Beijing Polytechnic School of Materials held the 2024 Teachers' Day celebration

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On the morning of September 10, the School of Materials of Beijing Institute of Technology held the Teachers' Day celebration of "vigorously promoting the spirit of educators and Accelerating the construction of a powerful education country.。More than 100 representatives of college leaders, teachers and retired teachers participated in the activity。The activity was presided over by Liu Yan, chairman of the Union and vice president of the School of Materials。

Dean Chen Pengwan extended sincere greetings to the teachers who have contributed to the development and construction of the College for a long time, and extended holiday blessings to all the teachers who have worked hard in teaching, scientific research, management and service。He and everyone jointly announced the "2023-2024 School of Materials Honor List" and warmly congratulated the teachers on the list。He encouraged the teaching staff to actively carry forward and practice the spirit of educators, and strive to train more top-notch innovative talents who meet the needs of the party and the country。The College will continue to optimize the environment for the growth of talents, build a high-quality platform for the growth and progress of teachers, and make greater contributions to the national scientific and technological progress and personnel training。

Tan Huimin, Wang Fuji, Luo Yunjun, Li Li, Huo Yongjun, five representatives of old and young teachers, from the perspective of teacher ethics, teaching, scientific research and innovation, told the story of education in different historical times。From the arduous exploration of the college at the beginning of its establishment to the prosperity and development of today, every teacher has interpreted his love and adherence to the cause of education in his own way。They are concerned about the development of the college, and the torch of education is passed from generation to generation. They stick to the line of scientific research, climb the peak of science and technology, and write their own times on the journey of education power。

On this special day, the young teachers' representatives of the College presented flowers to the retired teachers' representatives Wang Jianhua, Wang Guoqing, Hao Jianwei, Li Yuping and Zhu Shizhen to express their respect and gratitude to the former teachers。Wang Jianhua, speaking as a representative of retired teachers, encouraged young teachers to devote themselves to academic research, love education, and shoulder the lofty mission of strengthening the country through education。

Cheng Xingwang, secretary of the Party Committee of the College, extended holiday greetings and best wishes to all the faculty and staff, saying that every step of the development of the college is engraved with the figure of all the faculty and staff, and generations of materials pass on the fine traditions of the college with practical actions。希望大家用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人,弘扬高尚师德,潜心立德树人,为办好人民满意的教育、建设世界一流学科作出贡献。

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In the activity, the majority of teachers learned the rich connotation and practical requirements of the educator's spirit together, and wrote messages on holiday cards。Every message carries the love of education, and every promise is full of the original heart of the cause。

The School of Materials will continue to play a role model role of outstanding teachers,Fully promote and inspire the majority of teachers to learn from their talents,Strive to forge a team of "four" good teachers,We will continue to improve policies on teacher development and support,Optimize the development environment,Enhance teachers' sense of honor, happiness and identity,High-quality professional teachers provide strong support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation。